Classical Studies Program Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the classical studies major graduate with the following knowledge and skills:


Competence in one or more ancient languages. At present offerings include Greek and Latin (full curriculum offered yearly). Majors have also taken Biblical Hebrew and Hieroglyphics (offered less often).

Interdisciplinary Exposure

Familiarity with one or more of the disciplinary approaches represented by the faculty in the program, as well as other relevant approaches in the division and the university. Courses at present credited for the major include (but are not limited to) offerings in: history, literature, philosophy, archaeology, art history, and theater arts. For the skills and outcomes fostered by these disciplines see the reports of the relevant departments.


Provide constructive and effective critiques of each other’s work.

Complete a shared research project.

Research, Critical Reading, Writing

Gather and engage critically with primary sources.

Evaluate competing interpretations and multiple narratives.

Compile a bibliography.

Present clear and compelling arguments, based on critical analysis of diverse historical sources, and effectively communicate your interpretations in written essays and/or other media.

Scope and Thematics

Through completion of a combination of courses, become familiar with the ancient cultures of:

  • the western Mediterranean.
  • the eastern Mediterranean.
  • the Near East.

Comparative study: whether of diverse ancient cultures or of ancient and later cultures

Reception: ancient culture as understood by later traditions